Mid-summer update. I miss you all!

Hey everyone,

I hope you all are doing ok. I am not sure if anyone even checks this anymore, but I feel like I should try and write something for those of you that do. Things haven’t changed much for me since my last post. I have been working a lot. Trying to save up some money. I arrived home completely broke, but since then things have been turning around in that department. I am hoping to pick up some extra shifts as well so that should help fill my pockets even more.

Other than working, I have been trying to fish and surf as much as I can. I have had some luck fishing recently. The water here has been really clear compared to summers past. The flounder have been biting pretty good. Most have been a bit too small to keep, but I have landed a few keepers, and the smaller ones are still fun to catch anyway. I also hooked a huge Puppy drum the other day off the drive on beach. I saw it in the water and casted at it. It hit almost immediately after my lure sunk into the water. It was a fun fight, and people kept slowing down to honk and check out what I had. I got it up on the beach and measured it. It ended up being 30 inches… unfortunately Puppy Drum have to be between 18″-27″ to keep… mine was too big! I would have liked to keep it, but I couldn’t be too disappointed, that was probably the biggest fish I have ever caught up here in Corolla. And the fact that I sight casted it just makes it that much cooler of a catch.

The waves have not been so big recently, as they were earlier in the summer, but I have managed to get out and surf a couple of days here and there in between work. So things have been pretty busy, which is how I like it.

The 4th of July (USA Independence Day) was last weekend. Traditionally the week/weekend of the 4th are the busiest days at the beach, but since it fell on a Saturday this year it was a little bit different than normal. I had some friends down for the weekend, and took a few extra days off to host them, so it was a vacation for me as well as them, and we all did a great job getting the most enjoyment we could out of those few days.

One of my best friends from home, Steve, came down with his girlfriend, Liz, and my girlfriend (yes, I have a girlfriend now), Katie, came down with her dog Lennie. Maybe I will share more about Katie sometime, but now I will just tell you about the weekend. They all got here late Wednesday night, after I got off work. Thursday, I had off work, so we took our time waking up and getting breakfast, then headed to the beach for the day. Basically, that is what we did every day though. There were many beers involved, some grilling, we went to see some live music too. Another friend from home was down at his family’s house a few minutes south of me, so we went and hung out with them one day. The weather was pretty much perfect for the while weekend, besides a few passing showers. Just typing this makes me miss that weekend, it was the best time I have had in a while. I cant wait to get back up home, and hang out with these people more often.

I feel like I haven’t been home in forever. I thought being back in the US would feel like I was home again, and I really do love where I am right now, but I just keep finding myself wishing I was home doing things like bonfires, and mountain biking. I love the beach, but I haven’t spent any more than a couple of months in a row at home since I was in high school. I understand things change as you get older, but I have done some exploring and soul searching, and I am finding that the things I am always missing are things that are around my hometown. I am not saying I definitely want to go back there and stay for the rest of my life, but I really want to give home a solid chance again. Live there as an adult.

So yea, things are pretty good. I am really looking forward to things to come, money and fun. I have no real serious travel plans coming up any time soon. I think I want to save up some money and enjoy a simpler life for a little while before I do any more serious exploring (If I do at all).

I hope everyone is doing well. I said I miss home a lot, but I also miss everyone else. I have been following everyone on Facebook and what not, but I wish I had more time (and less time difference) to be able to talk to some people more often. As always, feel free to hit me up any time, Skype, Face Time, text or a phone call. I want to make sure everyone is still happy and enjoying life. I miss you all. Thanks for reading. I hope to hear from you soon. Have a great rest of your day!!

2 thoughts on “Mid-summer update. I miss you all!

  1. sprucepine says:

    Good to read your post – tell us more about Lennie ! If you come north, know of some nice things to do and see In MD . G-D

  2. I’m going back to Namba because I feel like I can find you there if I look hard enough.

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